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Part 2

Apr 23, 2021

Eternal Friendships (Part 2)

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Eternal Friendships

Part 2

Eternal Friendships (Part 2)

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Eternal Friendships (Part 2)

Part 2

In today’s fast-moving culture, loneliness is filling the hearts of millions. The inability to make friends and to keep friends has become a modern-day pandemic. Even many believers have friendships that are merely convenient, shallow, and temporary. In Eternal Friendships, Michael Youssef’s three-part teaching series, you’ll see why friendships between believers in the Lord Jesus Christ are for eternity. Using examples from John, 1 Samuel, and Ruth, Dr. Youssef shows what it takes to begin and to maintain lasting friendships — and the characteristics that make those friendships last forever. You’ll learn how to affirm, to encourage, and to be loyal to one another — and to cherish the eternal relationships you’ve established through Christ. Scripture: 1 Samuel 23:15-18 Download

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A man with braids closes his hands to pray
Dr. Youssef sits in a chair, gesturing with both hands