Episode 109: Persecuted Christians Flee Their Homeland: Rami and Zaina Rizk

We’ve heard and seen a lot about the hardship and devastation people are facing who are desperate to flee Taliban in Afghanistan. It is utterly heartbreaking. Among those in danger are Christians who will face persecution and possibly death for their faith.  

It is hard to comprehend what they are facing. Today, you will hear a powerful testimony of a Christian couple caught in similar circumstances when Isis took over portions of Syria.  They endured death threats, attempted kidnappings, the loss of personal freedom, and lived under a constant threat of imprisonment or death.  

Rami and Zaina Rizk are from Syria. They lived in Syria when ISIS took control of certain regions in 2011 and they endured death threats, attempted kidnappings, the loss of personal freedom, and a lack of basic necessities. They fled Syria in 2013 with their young daughters – escaping ISIS rule. They first went to Lebanon and then the United States. This was not only a scary time for them and their family, but also a time when our Lord provided for them. In the face of their greatest trial, the Lord strengthened their faith and led them to safety and freedom.

Join us as we discover how to pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ who are enduring great persecution today--and be reminded that our greatest gift, our faith in Christ, is refined by fire. 

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