Episode 39: Stan Carder: How to Minister to Others During a Difficult Time

Your best friend just lost their job. Your co-worker is sick in the ICU. Your neighbor just lost their spouse. You want to help, but you don't want to say or do the wrong thing. Today's Candid Conversations guest, Stan Carder, is here to help.

For over 40 years, Stan has walked through fierce personal trials and has, in turn, walked countless others through difficult times. From a small rural church in the Midwest to a megachurch in California, Stan has faithfully ministered God's love and Truth to those who are suffering.

Stan joined the pastoral care staff at The Church of The Apostles in 2003 and became the Director of Congregational Care in 2006. He recently retired from this role, but he continues to serve on the Leading The Way pastoral care team—ministering to each person in a caring and compassionate way.

Allow Stan to guide and encourage you to minister to those in your life today!

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