My Devo Podcast
Standing Up

Have you ever been ashamed of the Gospel? It’s not something Christians like to admit, but we all have experienced this feeling at some point. In today's devotional, we will uncover the power to move from fear of man to confidence in Christ.

If you would like more insight into today’s devotional topic, watch or listen to Dr. Michael Youssef’s sermon series From Valley to VictoryLISTEN NOWWATCH NOW

When was the last time you shared Christ with someone? If you're fearful of stepping out, afraid of messing up, or simply overwhelmed by where to even begin—it's time to Build Up Your Boldness. This digital resource will give you 8 practical principles for effective evangelism that will both encourage you and help you boldly share the Gospel with those God puts in your path. 

Download your copy today—Dr. Youssef’s gift to you!

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