January Notes from Our Inbox
Jan 7, 2015
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Each month, we hear joyful reports of how the Lordhas moved in the lives of our listeners, viewers, and readers through the Gospel teaching of Leading The Way. As you read their stories, we hope these testimonies will guide you in your prayers for Leading The Way and fill you with faith in God's mighty power.


"I have received the Lord as my savior and I am experiencing a joy that I never had before. I need help in learning how to practice prayers. All the people around me are Muslims. I went to the church in my city but I could not understand the language. Please help me know more."


"Please pray for me so that Jesus will forgive all my sins. I confess that I have done a lot of things that displeased His heart. Please pray that I will return to His ways, because I am easily tempted. May God give me strength and forgive my sins. Amen."


"I have received the Lord as my savior and I am experiencing a joy that I never had before."


"For months, I have been watching the rich sermons that opened my mind more and deepened my understanding of the Word of God. Wonderful! May our God the Father of our Lord Life of Jesus Christ bless all who work in this blessed ministry that truly leads and feeds the sheep of the Lord."


"I'm a young Christian and I'm amazed by Dr. Youssef's teachings. I have heard the program on the radio and now I'm listening on the Navigator I got as a gift from the radio station. I'm so thankful to God for all the lessons I'm learning. Everything is so new to me. Thank you for your ministry."

United States:

"I just watched Leading The Way as Dr. Youssef started a new series called To Know Jesus Is to Love Him. I'm deaf so I use closed captioning and I'm so grateful for that. As Dr. Youssef presented the beginning of this series, it just totally consumed me! It brought me to tears. It's beautiful and I can't wait until next Sunday to continue this series. Even though I can't hear, I see and feel the deep passion Dr. Youssef has as he delivers these powerful messages. I look forward to Sunday evenings to watch and learn as I continue on my spiritual journey. Thank you for helping me along the way!"


From one of our TV partners in Pakistan: "One of our viewers told us that he was so fed up with his life and wanted to commit suicide because all sorts of evil thoughts and plans occupied his brain. But when he listened to Dr. Michael's message, his life changed and he is now leading a happy life. Praise the Lord."