June Notes from Our Inbox
Jun 2, 2015
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Each month Leading The Way receives correspondence from all over the world. Through emails, letters, SMS, and phone calls, viewers and listeners express share how God has touched them through our programming. We hope that this month's notes from our inbox will be an encouragement to you and an answer to your prayers for Leading The Way.


"Thank you for your faithful, tender, hope-inspired teaching. Many times I have experienced crushing oppression. Yet when I listen to your teaching, the Holy Spirit speaks to my ailing heart. I pray and hope your ministry continues to enrich the lives of many."


"I am a regular listener of Leading The Way. It was when I was going through a bout of depression that I started listening to this program. One day, when the preacher prayed at the end of the program, I prayed along and sincerely asked for a breakthrough in my life. It was amazing because I did feel better afterward. It was only the beginning, as there were a lot of pleasant surprises in store for me as I began to grow in my faith life. I truly believe that His grace is sufficient for me."


"When I listen to your teaching, the Holy Spirit speaks to my ailing heart."


"Rasheed (name changed for protection) is a very conservative man who respects and honors his traditional culture. One day, he turned on the TV and unintentionally came across Leading The Way's satellite channel, THE KINGDOM SAT. Rasheed heard about peace, comfort, rest, and transformation, things he has always longed for. He kept hearing the word 'Life of Jesus Christ' and wondered if He was the way and the truth. He started to watch the programs on a daily basis and realized that something was missing in his life an emptiness that nothing could fill. He tried to talk to a friend who advised him to ignore what he had been hearing. Rasheed continued to hear more about Christ and decided to call the follow-up team. A member of our team met him and prayed with him. Rasheed gave his life to Christ and has the desire to serve Him and to live for Him."


"I am originally from India, but God has blessed me with the call to serve in the United States. When I moved here it was very different for me. Sometimes I felt like everyone was staring at me and that I was different. In 2003, I saw Dr. Michael Youssef on TBN for the first time. Immediately I was drawn to him because he was different than the other ministers on TV. I was intrigued by his Egyptian heritage and straightforward presentation of the Word of God. I feel like he is one of my spiritual mentors as he has encouraged and challenged me continuously for all these years. I pray God's strength for many more years of good health and ministry."


"Thank you so much for standing beside me and supporting me. May the Lord bless your ministry and use you in the Middle East and North Africa."