World View and Current Events
Prayers for Chattanooga
Jul 20, 2015
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Last week, 24-year-old Mohammad Youssuf Abdulazeez shot and killed five servicemen outside a military recruiting office in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Officials are currently investigating the shooting as an act of domestic terrorism.

"Pray for God to transform radical Muslims into Apostle Pauls for Jesus."

Please pray for:

  • The families of the victims as they mourn the loss of their loved ones.
  • Government officials to acknowledge the reality of Islamic terrorism and respond with a strategy to address its growing influence.
  • Leading The Way's Arabic broadcasts and personal follow-up to impact both nominal and radical Muslims here at home on the American mission field.
  • Disillusioned Muslims to look to the cross and discover the hope, love, and Truth of Christ.
  • God to transform radical Muslims into Apostle Pauls for Jesus.
What are you praying for Chattanooga? Share your prayers with us.