Global Work
A New Frontier. A Fresh Revival.
Dec 1, 2018
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As our 30th year of ministry comes to a close, we're thanking God for all He did in 2018 and following His lead into an epic new season of Gospel ministry: Vision 2025.

The mission hasn't changed. The message remains the same. But the frontier is new. By God's grace and power, this next season of ministry has the potential to catapult us to new heights as we press on to see one million souls come to faith in Jesus Christ by 2025.

By God's grace and power, this next season of ministry has the potential to catapult us to new heights.


Thank you for your partnership in 2018. Please consider standing with Dr. Youssef this month to advance the Gospel with greater intensity than ever before.


  • Go on 6 new TV networks in the U.S.
  • Begin broadcasting LIVE every month on our satellite TV channel THE KINGDOM SAT
  • Release 2 timely new books: The Hidden Enemy and Life-Changing Prayers
  • Produce and air programs in a new language: Bulgarian


"I came from a Muslim family and knew nothing about Christ. Although I did the Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca, I never felt peace. I began to search the internet for answers and saw your programs. I compared the two religions and realized that Jesus is the Lord. I then decided to become a Christian.  For the first time in my life I experienced an overwhelming joy." — MIDDLE EAST

"The love and compassion in your sermons brought me back to Christ. You got through my intense anger, hatred for life after the loss of my husband, my church closing . . . I listened, cried, and prayed because of the love and compassion you said I would find in Jesus. Thank you." — USA


In the coming months, we are sprinting ahead in pursuit of God's next mandate for Leading The Way: Vision 2025. Through 7 strategic initiatives, we are praying for God to draw one million souls to Christ, igniting a spiritual revival both here at home and across the Middle East. Please join us in prayer and giving as we press on to fulfill this God-sized initiative.

Your gifts this month will help us end the year strong and blaze new trails for Christ in 2019.

Learn more about Vision 2025.