Life of Jesus Christ
What Is in a Name?
Michael Youssef, Ph.D.
Apr 28, 2020
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Worthy One, Immanuel, Light of the World, Jesus, God with Us, the Risen One, the Shepherd, the Word, Prince of Peace. These are some of the names we call our Savior. They remind us of the birth of Christ, of His resurrection, of His glory, and of His power.

Saying the names of Jesus invokes reverence, awe, and amazement of our majestic Lord and Savior. While the Easter season is a wonderful time to reflect on the names of Christ, we should express these names every day of the year.

His names bring us comfort and inspire us to worship Him.


The names of Christ hold particular significance and meaning for us as believers. His names bring us comfort and inspire us to worship Him. As Light of the World, He reminds us of God's light in the midst of whatever we might face. As God with Us, He reassures us when we feel alone or afraid. As the Risen One, we are reminded of His sacrificial death on the cross for our sins and His glorious resurrection that gives us eternal life. As Prince of Peace, He is our security and peace no matter how uncertain or how difficult our circumstances. As the Shepherd, He guides and directs our lives.

The next time you wonder what is in a name, remember that you can call upon the name that is above all names—Jesus. His name has the power to change your life. He can bring calm in the midst of any storm. He can heal the sick. He can comfort the lonely and brokenhearted. His name brings light into the darkness.

God is always with you. As you reflect upon the name of Jesus remember that God chose you, and He knows your name.

Prayer: Jesus, there is power in Your name. May the Truth of who You are be obvious in my life through the way that I live. May I meditate on Your name all day long. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

"She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins " (Matthew 1:21).