Life Issues
The Truth About God's Nature
Michael Youssef, Ph.D.
Jul 22, 2022
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Tragedy is unavoidable. Not only will we have to face personal tragedies in our lives, but each generation faces gut-wrenching communal tragedies. In tragic moments, it seems evil has prevailed and we are reminded of the undeniable presence of sin in this world. In these moments, the question quickly arises: "Where is God?"

The Truth is God is not afraid of our questions. He is not surprised, offended, or threatened by our inability to comprehend every spiritual working of the universe. He has nothing to hide from us because He is blameless in character. In the face of what we do not know, we can cling to what we do know about Christ's character.

In the face of what we do not know, we can cling to what we do know about Christ's character.

In John 10:10-11, Jesus likens His leadership to that of a trustworthy shepherd. In stark contrast, He describes Satan's role as that of a thief who comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Many live in terror of their gods, offering sacrifices with the hope that their god will withhold sickness, death, and destruction from their families and cities. But our God is not like these false gods.

Jesus specifically came "to destroy the devil's work" (1 John 3:8). Our God became like us, entering into our suffering so that He could bring us life. Our God does not deceive, but abhors evil, delights in the Truth, and brings justice. Our God does not add to our misery or demand the impossible from us, but He paid our penalty on the cross. He is not passive; He is at work in us and around us. When we pray, He responds, breaking spiritual strongholds and delivering us from snares we aren't even aware of.

So where is God? He is with us, in us, and ahead of us. In the midst of tragedy, He is working behind the scenes with a plan to glorify Himself and bless those who follow Him. What is God's response to evil? He overcomes it.

Are you confident that the light of Christ is more powerful than evil? Are you searching for perfect answers, or are you willing to trust that God is good, God is in control, and He loves you? Whether you are hurting or looking for answers, bring your struggles before the Lord today. He is not the antagonist in the story—He is the one ready to comfort us and lead us into all Truth.

Prayer: Lord, even when my circumstances seem hopeless, I know that You are still good. Help me to trust in You and depend on You in every circumstance. Help me to be ready to share Your love and Your Truth when tragedy strikes. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

"The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil's work" (1 John 3:8).

Learn more in Dr. Michael Youssef's sermon God's Provision for Your Every Need, Part 4: LISTEN NOW