Life of Jesus Christ
A Truth to Wrestle With
Michael Youssef, Ph.D.
Apr 8, 2023
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"Because I live, you also will live" (John 14:19). Jesus said these words on the night He was betrayed by one of His friends, just hours before the Roman governor Pilate would sentence Him to death on a cross. Jesus was preparing to die for all those who would believe in Him, yet He spoke to His friends about life. That's because Jesus was focused on the other side of Easter.

Because Jesus rose from the grave, so will you—if you put your trust in Him.


Read 1 Corinthians 15:1-8. Today, there are people who deny the resurrection. They ignore the historical evidence and balk at the claims of the Bible. Even worse, some respond to the resurrection with indifference, saying, "Even if He rose from the dead, so what?"

Friends, I want you to know that there is no more important fact of history than the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In fact, your eternal destination depends on how you respond to the Gospel, for no one will enter heaven without believing wholeheartedly that God the Father raised God the Son after three days in the tomb.

On another occasion, Jesus said, "I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die" (John 11:25). He said this at the grave of Lazarus, who had been dead four days. Unless you are alive on the day that Jesus returns, you will someday find yourself dead and buried, like Lazarus. But the Good News of Jesus Christ is this: Because Jesus rose from the grave, so will you—if you put your trust in Him. You too will live, even though you die.

Jesus paid for our sins on the cross, but He didn't stop there. He conquered the grave so that we could have eternal life with Him. That's why we celebrate Easter. "Because He lives, I can face tomorrow," the old hymn tells us. And it's true! We have nothing to fear in this life or in death because, in the end, we will rise like Jesus if we know Him and love Him. And that is good news indeed.

If you've never really considered whether or not you believe Jesus rose from the dead, don't waste another moment! Read the Gospel accounts of Christ's death and resurrection; ask God to open your heart to the Truth; and place your full trust in Jesus today. It will make all the difference in your life—and in the life to come.

Prayer: Lord, help me to grasp the awesome impact of Your resurrection on my life. Help me live with joy and peace, trusting in what glorious promises You have lovingly secured for me through Your death and resurrection. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

"For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day . . ." (1 Corinthians 15:3-4).

Learn more in Dr. Michael Youssef's sermon Jesus Rose from the Dead . . . So What?: LISTEN NOW | WATCH NOW