Global Work
THE KINGDOM SAT: 9 Years of God Moving in the Muslim World
Mar 8, 2018
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Throughout the Muslim world, people are suffering under the weight of Islam—a religion without assurance of salvation, without hope, without joy, without love, without Truth. Millions are lost, either unaware of their perilous condition or despairing of it. And many Christians in the region are oppressed and persecuted.

We believed in the God of the impossible, and the impossible became a reality.

But none of these are abandoned. For the past 9 years, God has been touching lives in this region through the sound, Biblical teaching of THE KINGDOM SATLeading The Way’s 24/7 satellite TV channel.

THE KINGDOM SAT was first formed in 2009 after Dr. Michael Youssef became burdened by the lack of Biblical teaching in the Muslim world. Dr. Youssef reflects:

When the Lord gave me a vision for a television station—24/7—broadcasting the Gospel of Jesus Christ into hundreds of millions of homes, many of my friends and colleagues said, “It’s impossible.” Well, we believed in the God of the impossible, and the impossible became a reality.

Through this channel, God has opened the door wide for His Gospel. In the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), satellite TV is the number one source of information for many homes because it is the only uncensored means of communication, it is free and easily accessible, and it is not hampered by high illiteracy rates.

Today, out of 30 Christian Arabic channels airing in the MENA region, THE KINGDOM SAT is the second most-watched channel.


What makes THE KINGDOM SAT so exceptional? Its dedication to passionately proclaiming uncompromising Truth and empowering viewers to engage that Truth.

THE KINGDOM SAT is committed to bringing the hope of Christ in the midst of darkness through a variety of effective strategies, such as:

  • Programming that provides the best content from both the West and the East, a model unique to THE KINGDOM SAT that allows viewers access to some of the best Bible teaching in the world.
  • On-the-ground field teams, who are ready to answer questions, share the Gospel message, lead Bible studies and discipleship programs, pray with viewers, and connect them with local churches—or even serve as the church body for those viewers without access to a local church.
  • Operating from the United States so that the channel has freedom to create sound Christian content that might not be permissible in the MENA region.


As viewers encounter Jesus Christ and engage the one true God of the Bible through THE KINGDOM SAT, their lives are radically transformed. Here are some of their testimonies:

My father is the Imam of a local mosque. But I have discovered Christ through your channel, which I watch daily. I have become convinced that this is the right way. ALGERIA

I had so many questions about the Qur’an and Christianity. However, no one was able to answer any of my questions. I started watching THE KINGDOM SAT programs, especially Dr. Youssef’s program, and called the follow-up team. I met a brother who followed up with me, explaining the Truth and answering my questions. He led me to Jesus and I gave my life to Him. The team continued teaching me the Bible. I was baptized, I have been attending church, and I’m so thankful for all you have done for me. My life is changed. I’m on the right track and I’ll keep holding on to Jesus even in the hardest of times. EGYPT

I was one of those people who fanatically and blindly defended Islam. One day a friend calmly advised me to study more about my religion. . . . it was hard to believe what I read. I couldn’t see justice in the god of Islam. I called my friend and he told me about THE KINGDOM SAT. I started to watch the programs and got to know and understand the character of God, whom I always longed to know. MOROCCO

We fled our homes and ISIS took 3,700 of our women and children hostage . . . I thank the Lord for your channel—it is like my church, comforting and strengthening me daily. YAZIDI REFUGEE

As we are faithful to His Word, God is bringing the harvest, whether the first Christian from a remote tribe, a young man longing to know Jesus, or a prince of ISIS.

Through THE KINGDOM SAT, a vibrant movement of God is happening in the Muslim world today, and we are honored to have participated in His saving work these past 9 years. We ask only for greater boldness, greater creativity, and greater wisdom to proclaim the excellencies of Him who called us out of darkness and into His marvelous light.

How beautiful are the satellite signals that enter into many lonely and desperate homes! How beautiful are the websites that bring hope to the hopeless! How beautiful are the voices that fill an empty life with the Word of God! This is the power of the Gospel! – Dr. Michael Youssef

Help us continue passionately proclaiming uncompromising Truth in the Muslim world.