Ask Dr. Youssef
Ask Dr. Youssef: "How do I figure out what God's vision is for my life?"
Feb 4, 2022

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"How do I figure out what God's vision is for my life?

God has a unique vision and purpose for each of His children—a plan to bring glory to Himself through our lives.


God has a unique vision and purpose for each of His children—a plan to bring glory to Himself through our lives. How, then, do we go about discovering it?

First, prepare for God's vision (see Jer. 33:3). To understand and embrace God's vision, we must first ask Him for it with pure motives, knowing that He longs to reveal His purposes to us.

Second, identify God's vision (see Eph. 2:10). God has placed you where you are and given you unique blessings, talents, and resources for a purpose—to meet the spiritual needs around you. Ask Him what needs are around you and how He has uniquely equipped you to meet them.

Third, submit to God's vision (see Heb. 13:20-21). Jonah's response to God's vision was one of rebellion and resistance (see Jonah 1:1-3). Has God given you a vision that you don't like? Rather than running away, trust and obey His call.

Fourth, persist in God's vision (see Luke 9:62). God had a vision for Paul's life—but he didn't go straight from the road to Damascus to the palace of kings. In fact, he was beaten, shipwrecked, and more. What obstacles are keeping you from persevering in God's call? Ask for God's help and pray for a willing heart to fulfill His plan for your life.


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