Christian Living
Bring Them to Jesus
Michael Youssef, Ph.D.
Aug 29, 2020
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You may have made sacrifices in your life to help others have life's necessities, an education, or better opportunities. These are worthy sacrifices, but the ultimate sacrifice is made when one steps out in faith to bring another to Jesus.

In Mark 2:1-12, we see four friends who did not allow seemingly insurmountable obstacles to prevent them from bringing their friend to Jesus. They watched as their quadriplegic friend lay immobile, destined to a life of physical infirmity. The men developed an irrepressible commitment to bring him to Jesus for healing.

What struck Jesus first was not the man's paralysis but rather his friends' faith.


The day they did, the crowds were alarmingly large and aggressive. No one would give up his place near Jesus. This did not dissuade these men. They did not stop in the face of impossible circumstances. They climbed onto the roof of the building where Jesus spoke, dug a hole, and lowered their friend down to Jesus.

What struck Jesus first was not the man's paralysis but rather his friends' faith. They could not heal the man physically or convert him spiritually, but they had an undaunted faith that Jesus could. The men believed that if they could just bring him into the presence of Jesus that He would do the rest—and Jesus honored that faith.

Jesus' first move was not to heal the man's paralysis. Instead, He addressed the man's spiritual condition. Jesus saved him from eternal death and gave him eternal life. His friends could not have given him a greater gift.

Like these men, when God brings people into our lives and places their unsaved condition on our hearts, we can trust Him to honor our faith. Our only task is to bring them to Him. They may have no faith at all, but God will honor our faith.

Prayer: God, give me an undaunted faith that my unbelieving friends will come to know You. Help me to do my part to bring them to You. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

"When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralyzed man, 'Son, your sins are forgiven'" (Mark 2:5).

Learn more in Dr. Michael Youssef's sermon Look Who Moved Out, Part 5: LISTEN NOW