Christian Living
Giants and Grasshoppers
Michael Youssef, Ph.D.
May 8, 2022
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God had promised to give the Israelites the land of Canaan. They simply had to believe His promise and take the land, but when they heard the scouts' report of fortified cities and people of great size, fear gripped their hearts.

The majority is always wrong when God is not its focus. When we look at our circumstances from a human perspective, we often see impossibilities instead of God's provision. Then we miss out on the blessings of God. Doubt, unbelief, and negativity can lead us to question God's Word.

When you take a stand for Him, the Lord will never let you down.

It is obedience, and not opinions, that will bring you blessings. Faithful God had promised to give His people a land flowing with milk and honey—the Promised Land. But even though He had delivered and sustained them and had guided them day and night through the wilderness, the moment they faced an obstacle, Israel asked, "Where is God?"

Read Numbers 13-14. When spying out the land God had promised they would occupy, ten scouts saw the Canaanites as giants and themselves as grasshoppers (see Numbers 13:33). Only two, with the eyes of faith, saw themselves as giants because of God's promise. Only someone who is strong in his faith can challenge unbelief. When you take a stand for Him, the Lord will never let you down.

Obedience has its own reward. Two of the twelve men Moses sent to explore the Promised Land knew that if the Lord was with them, He would defend, protect, and lead them. While worry, anxiety, and fear won't stop us from entering the ultimate Promised Land through the blood of Jesus Christ, these emotions can prevent us from enjoying God's many blessings.

Do you wake up in the morning worrying about the future? Do you go to bed at night thinking about the giants in your life? Place your faith in God, be obedient, and trust His Word, and with the eyes of faith, you will see that next to our God, who fights for us, these giants are nothing but grasshoppers.

Prayer: Jesus, thank You that You are always with me—even to the end of the age. May I trust in You and Your promises, remembering Your steadfast love and faithfulness. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

"Jesus looked at them and said, 'With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible'" (Matthew 19:26).

Learn more in Dr. Michael Youssef's sermon Treasure That Lasts, Part 15: LISTEN NOW | WATCH NOW