Christian Living
Plant a Seed, Q.3: "How do you know God loves you?"
May 6, 2019
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As we talk with the Muslims in our midst, our job is to plant a seed, to pray, to love, and to trust God to bring souls to life in Him (see 1 Corinthians 3:6-7). Since the Quran discourages Muslims from asking questions about Islam's teachings (Quran 5:101), we can plant a seed in the heart of a Muslim by giving them opportunities to think critically. Invite your new Muslim friend to consider this question with you.

God's love has been displayed to us clearly and undeniably through the cross of Jesus Christ.



Missing among the 99 names of Allah are the names Lover and Father. In Islam, love is considered a weakness—especially when used to describe the nature of God—and yet we all long to be accepted and loved. Christians know that to love, to give of oneself, is strength. That the infinite, holy Almighty God, who is love, would give of Himself to redeem an undeserving people certainly does not make Him weak. Rather, His love toward us rightly brings glory to His name.


"How do you know God loves you? Is it through the gift of children? Money? Material blessings? What about those who do not have these things? Does God not love them?"


God's love has been displayed to us clearly and undeniably through the cross of Jesus Christ. In fact, nothing shows His incredible, unchanging love more. God made it possible for us to have a relationship with Him by making atonement for our sins through Jesus' perfect life and sacrifice and achieving for us victory over death through the resurrection. Earthly blessings may come and go in this broken world, but in Christ, I have become God's adopted child with an inheritance that will never fade—the promise of the glorious presence of my loving God for eternity, a promise available for you, too.


THE KINGDOM SAT is Leading The Way's 24/7 satellite TV channel ministering to Muslims through:

  • Sound Biblical teaching programs
  • On-the-ground discipleship teams

After 10 YEARS of Gospel ministry to the Muslim world, we are reaching into 190 million homes across the Middle East and North Africa with plans to double our audience over the next 7 years.

Do you have a Muslim friend whom you'd like to connect with THE KINGDOM SAT? Direct them to THE KINGDOM SAT online to find answers to their questions about Christianity.