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God's Love

God's Love

Love in Action

Sincere love hates evil and rebellion against God. It shows genuine appreciation and honor for others. It compels us to…

God's Love

Know the Truth About Love

Our culture is full of false interpretations of love. Day by day, true love is being buried under an avalanche…

God's Love

Love Will Lift You

Love lifts a broken heart—not just any love but the love of God. Many of us have sung James Rowe’s…

Yesterday, Today, and Forever

Bible and Theology

Yesterday, Today, and Forever

The ancient Romans called the first month of the year January, naming it after the Roman god Janus. You see,…

Jesus, Know Him and Live

God's Love

Part 2

One day, each and every person faces death. Dr. Michael Youssef brings a passionate plea for you to finalize your…

Drawing of a brick wall

God's Love

God Really Is the Rock: Rejoicing in 6 Attributes of the Living God

It is easy to forget where our strength comes from—or even that we have a refuge to run to. The…

Discover your treasure house

God's Love

Part 4

Why live in spiritual poverty? God gives a vast inheritance to His children—and when you come to Christ—you immediately receive…

God's Love

The Grace of Election

As Christians, we must remember God chose us not because we are lovable but in spite of our unlovable condition.

God's Love

In the Hand of God

Charles Spurgeon once told a story about how, during a sudden storm, a woman on a ship became terrified. She…

God's Love

God Is Love

Read Ephesians 3:14-19. Deceptive ideas about God and His love as benign, spineless, insipid, and universally neutral are gaining momentum…