Invest in Eternity
Whether you're giving a gift or praying for our global ministry work, your partnership makes a difference in the lives of those we reach. Take the next step in your partnership with Leading The Way.

We're Here to Serve You
Are you looking for creative ways to make a difference with the resources God has entrusted to you? Would you like to lower your tax burden and maximize the impact of your gifts? Through strategic gift planning, you may be able to give in ways you never imagined were possible. Our planned giving experts are here to serve you and answer your questions.

Cornerstone Partners
Looking for ways to build an eternal legacy for Christ? By giving a substantial legacy gift to Leading The Way, you can become a Cornerstone Partner—and invest in Christ’s Kingdom for generations to come.
Your Guide to Strategic Gift Planning Options
Learn about specific creative giving methods that could maximize your Kingdom impact while minimizing your tax burden.
Charitable Gift Annuity
Charitable Gift Annuity
A Charitable Gift Annuity (CGA) is the best tool for increasing your retirement income while also supporting the ministry work of Leading The Way. This simple process has been around for decades, but today, with continued low interest returns on investments, more and more seniors are choosing the benefits of CGAs.
Speak with your financial advisor for more details.
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From a security standpoint, your annuity would be re-insured with a highly-rated, well-established life insurance company. This allows Leading The Way to receive an immediate ministry gift and gives you confidence that your lifetime income is guaranteed.
Donor Advised Fund
Donor Advised Fund
A Donor Advised Fund (DAF) provides most of the benefits of a private foundation without the cost and expense of establishing a foundation. A DAF is an account that allows the donor the opportunity to make multiple charitable donations but channel them through one fund. This can be helpful if, for example, a donor has received a sum of money and would like to make charitable gift distribution decisions over time. A tax deduction is available immediately upon making a gift to the DAF but distribution to various ministries can come later.
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For example, Mr. Adams sold his business and wanted to contribute a total of $250,000 to Christian ministry. However, at the time of the sale he was not sure of the amount he wanted to give to which Christian ministries. But, he did need the income tax deduction in the year of the sale. A DAF provided the perfect solution. Mr. Adams donated the money immediately into a DAF and received a tax deduction but was able to wait until a more convenient time to allocate his Christian ministry giving. To make a specific donation to a named ministry all Mr. Adams needed to do was forward a written request to the DAF administrator who then forwarded the funds to the ministry.
Many organizations can help you establish a Donor Advised Fund. Contact us for more information.
Employee Match
Employee Match
You can increase your contribution to Leading The Way through your Company Match Program. Some companies match their employees’ charitable contributions. For example, if you donate $100 to Leading The Way, your employer may match that amount or donate a percentage of the amount. Your $100 gift becomes $150 or $200 and reaches even more people with the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Some companies provide the guidelines and forms to fill out online, or you can check with your Human Resources office. A few companies even match the contributions of retirees and employees’ spouses. Inquire within your company to see what Company Match Program options are available.
Estate Gifts / Wills
Estate Gifts / Wills
Basic to every Estate Plan is a will. Every responsible Christian should have a current will in place. If you die without a will, the distribution of your resources will be at the discretion of a probate court who may not distribute your assets according to your wishes. Giving to Leading The Way through your will is the easiest way to continue passionately proclaiming the uncompromising Truth of the Gospel after your passing and remove highly taxable assets from your estate.
Laws are always changing and you should review your will every few years with an attorney. To add Leading The Way to your existing will, you will need the following information for your legal document:
Need help?
Leading The Way with Michael Youssef of Canada
PO Box 18033 Delta, BC V4L 2B0
CRA Registration #85558 5378RR0001
Leading The Way is tax-exempt.
Interac e-Transfer
Interac e-Transfer
Log into your online banking system and choose to ‘send money’ through “Interac e-Transfer”.
Set up Leading The Way Canada as the entity to receive funds, and when prompted, enter [email protected] as the recipient email address.
Need help?
For more information on how to use Interac e-Transfer, please visit or contact our development team utilizing the options below.
Life Insurance
Life Insurance
While there are several types of life insurance, the concept of giving it remains the same: a small gift now can ultimately provide a much larger gift in the future. Types of policies you may want to consider giving are:
A life insurance policy in force which is no longer needed for whatever purpose it was originally purchased. Typically it is an old policy and in many cases may be “paid up.”
A “forgotten” policy which has been recently remembered (or discovered during an estate planning effort).
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You can designate Leading The Way as the beneficiary to receive the death value of the policy upon the passing of the insured. In this situation, you will continue to pay the premiums due if there are any—or you can transfer the ownership along with its cash surrender value to Leading The Way. Depending on the circumstances, Leading The Way may immediately cash in the policy to receive the cash surrender value, or may continue to hold (and in some case pay the premiums) until the passing of the insured. In this case, the donor receives a tax donation for the cash value of the policy on the date of the gift and also removes the death benefit value from his or her estate.