Middle East & North Africa
An Open Door into Closed Countries
outreach to the Muslim world is one of the ministry’s most innovative and fruitful ministry efforts. Formed in 2009, Dr. Michael Youssef’s KINGDOM SAT TV channel is one of the only channels broadcasting Biblical Truth 24/7 into restricted areas and following up with spiritually hungry viewers around the clock. Reaching hundreds of millions of viewers, including audiences in closed countries like Saudi Arabia and Algeria, this channel is designed to evangelize Muslim audiences and strengthen Christian audiences. With Arabic, French, and English programs in a variety of formats, from traditional preaching to roundtable discussions to apologetics programs, as well as original programming exclusive to the channel, THE KINGDOM SAT is reaching viewers desperately seeking Truth. Dr. Youssef’s programs are also accessible in Arabic and dozens of other languages on our global website (LTWGlobal.org), as well as translated books, booklets, and digital resources, reaching Muslims both globally and here in the U.S.
On-the-ground evangelism and discipleship are a crucial part of stewarding the Gospel message proclaimed every day through our broadcasts. Biblically-trained counselors, many of whom are former Muslims, answer viewer questions, lead the lost to Christ, personally disciple new believers, prepare them for baptism, and connect them with local or underground churches for long-term spiritual flourishing.
A Movement of God in Restricted Regions
Households in the Muslim world
have 24/7 access to Biblical programming through Leading The Way
receive personal ministry from our Biblically-trained counselors each month
of KINGDOM SAT Viewers
are Muslim
Programming Available
in the Middle East, North Africa, Europe, and Australia

Partner with Us
Leading Muslims to Christ
Growing up as a Muslim in Gaza, Ahmed hated Christians. But once he stumbled across the programs on Leading the Way’s KINGDOM SAT TV channel, God began to open his spiritual eyes. Not knowing where to turn, he reached out to our team of Biblically-trained counselors.
“After comparing Jesus’ teaching to the Islamic beliefs, I saw the beauty of Jesus Christ. I have decided to follow Him,” Ahmed shared. “I am calling you because you are the only channel I can trust. Please help me grow in my faith.”
Ahmed is just one of thousands who are surrendering their lives to Christ and being discipled by our on-the-ground ministry teams. This is the impact of your partnership!
Lives Changed

Support Leading The Way
Proclaim. Disciple. Help.
Your gift to Leading The Way will help proclaim the Gospel 24/7 on the most popular media platforms, disciple new believers both here at home and in restricted areas, and equip Christians to impact their communities for Christ.
Outreach Area
Leading The Way is leveraging every available resource to advance the Gospel in places where the greatest need and opportunity exist.