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Lordship of Jesus

Godly Friendships

Lordship of Jesus

Part 4

Relationships today are often strained by shallowness, adversity, or selfishness. Sometimes people want to be "fair-weather friends," or to use…

Lordship of Jesus

Our Shepherd’s Protection

When we are surrounded by attackers, we can find joy in the Lord because we have been anointed with the…

Lordship of Jesus

A God like No Other

Our Shepherd is truly like no other—He even gave His own life for us. Jesus tells us, "I am the…

Lordship of Jesus

God, the Shepherd

Who is in control of your life? Who directs your plans, dreams, and goals? We are all influenced by something—our…

We Preach Christ: Second Corinthians 4:4-5

Lordship of Jesus

We Preach Christ

In the days we live, it’s important to get back to the foundation of faith — and Dr. Youssef does…

Lordship of Jesus

When Storms Rage

The waves crashed over the boat’s hull as the storm threatened to capsize it. Water soaked the disciples, and their…

Lordship of Jesus

Part 1

Paul’s letter to the Romans can change the way you think, and light a spiritual fire in your heart —…

Lordship of Jesus

His Judgment Is Just

Read 2 Peter 3; Revelation 22:12-14.  Many people are comfortable with the idea of baby Jesus, but they are disturbed by…

Lordship of Jesus

If Jesus Had Been There . . .

Read John 11:1-44. When tragedy strikes, we often accuse God of being distant, asking, "Where was God?" Nearly 2,000…