Nov 10, 2022
Philadelphia and the Door God Opens
God provides opportunities for us to share our faith. He brings people to us who have open hearts to hear the Good News. He places them into our lives so that we can be His ambassadors – do we fully understand the honor of these opportunities?
Today’s devotional looks at Jesus’ encouraging message in Revelation to the church in Philadelphia, a church that had been so faithful to Christ that the Lord honored them with an open door for ministry.
If you would like more insight into today’s devotional topic, watch or listen to Dr. Michael Youssef’s sermon series Letters from Jesus: WATCH NOW | LISTEN NOW
Dr. Michael Youssef’s timely book Is the End Near?: What Jesus Told Us About the Last Days will answer your questions about end-times issues by examining statements that Jesus Himself made about what was and is to come. You will be encouraged as you anticipate Christ’s return.
Purchase your copy exclusively from select retailers today by visiting!
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