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Part 13

Apr 26, 2023

Identity Transformation (Part 13)

  • Scripture:
Identity Transformation


Identity Transformation

Part 13

Identity Transformation (Part 13)

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Identity Transformation (Part 13)

Part 13

Many of us are tempted to find our identity in our profession, family name, or net worth. From these wells, we often draw a false sense of security or confidence. In his 14-part series Identity Transformation, Dr. Michael Youssef demonstrates from 1 Peter how every one of us can begin to find our true identity in Christ alone. Beginning with the example of the apostle Peter himself, this series will encourage your heart with the foundation, privilege, and responsibility of a life transformed by Christ. Scripture: 1 Peter 5:1-7 Download

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A man with braids closes his hands to pray
Dr. Youssef sits in a chair, gesturing with both hands