The God Centered Family
Psalm 127 teaches the importance of a God-centered family. From this passage, Michael Youssef reveals that when God is at…
What to Do with a Defiant Child
Parents who have been blessed with compliant children often can’t understand the unique challenges the parents of a defiant child…
Growing Strong, Fruitful Children
The roots of olive trees grow in rocky soil. The shoots mature slowly, bearing no fruit until they are seven…
Shepherding a Child’s Heart
During His earthly ministry, Jesus reserved His harshest criticism for the Pharisees—people who paraded their outward religious piety while neglecting…
God at the Center
Joshua knew what it meant to stand his ground against the surrounding culture. Today, we need an entire generation of…
Rescuing the Next Generation
The Bible says we are to "Start children off on the way they should go" (Proverbs 22:6). In other words,…
Part 3
How do you raise a godly family? In Building Godly Families, Michael Youssef explains how to keep your family from…
Part 2
How do you raise a godly family? In Building Godly Families, Michael Youssef explains how to keep your family from…