In Western culture, you may occasionally hear someone say, "I’m not a sinner. I’ve never killed anyone or robbed a bank. I’m a good person, so I don’t need to be saved." But, Romans 5:12-17 and Luke 1:30-35 teach us that "sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned" (Romans 5:12). Every person is born with a sinful nature because of the sin of our first parents, Adam and Eve. Each of us is born with our backs to God, wanting to decide for ourselves what is right and what is wrong. Not one of us has escaped this struggle with sin. No one, that is, except the Son of Man.
Our freedom from the bondage of sin was the very purpose of the virgin birth.
It is this sin-producing gene, inherited from Adam, that Jesus came to save us from. In order to save us, Christ had to first be born without sin. After all, how can someone who is also in debt redeem us from our burden? So Jesus was born of a virgin, free from the sin of Adam, that He might deliver us from our debt of sin.
Not only was our Savior born free from sin, but He lived His entire life without sin. If any sin had been found in Him, His sacrifice on the cross could not have accomplished our salvation—for only a sinless sacrifice could satisfy God’s perfect justice. When He died on that criminal’s cross, He accomplished the work necessary to free all who believe in Him from their bondage to sin. When He rose again with all power on the third day, God’s grace overflowed to many (see Romans 5:15). Now, all who repent and trust in Him receive forgiveness of sin, freedom from guilt, and fellowship with God.
Our freedom from the bondage of sin, now and forever, was the very purpose of the virgin birth. Indwelling sin can only be eradicated by our sinless Savior, for sin’s root system is so deep within our hearts that only a perfect Savior could possibly uproot it. This is what Christmas, the celebration of the birth of Christ, is all about. Ultimately, it’s not about jingle bells, presents, trees, food, or even family. It’s about the glorious uprooting of sin from our lives through Christ’s sinless life, selfless death, and triumphant resurrection.
Prayer: Lord, what a glorious gift is Christmas, the moment when Your Son took on flesh to redeem me, to redeem the world. May I remember the purpose of Christmas and go forth remembering my joyful purpose as a part of Your mission to save the lost. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
"But you know that he appeared so that he might take away our sins. And in him is no sin" (1 John 3:5).
Learn more in Dr. Michael Youssef’s sermon series The Most Wonderful Time of the Year, But Why?: LISTEN NOW | WATCH NOW
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