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People lined up to vote


Before You Enter the Ballot Box: 4 Prayers for This Election Season

In this season, when passions are on parade and we feel the pressure of all those vying for our vote,…

Dr. Michael Youssef with the word Awake


Dr. Michael Youssef Prays for America

Dr. Youssef launches Leading The Way‘s Awake America prayer movement with a special prayer for God to bring revival to…


Godlessness in the Last Days

Some years ago, a newly elected politician proclaimed, "We are the children of the modern age!" If this is true, a…

Dr. Michael Youssef


Awake America: A Prayer Movement

Dr. Michael Youssef urges fellow believers to pray for revival in our world. We rejoice in knowing that nothing is…

Patriotic Celebration: Seek the Peace of the City


Seek the Peace of the City

In this special patriotic service, Dr. Michael Youssef likens the current condition of the United States of America to that…

Patriotic Celebration: Seek the Peace of the City


Seek the Peace of the City

In this special patriotic service, Dr. Michael Youssef likens the current condition of the United States of America to that…


Bending Our Knees for the Next Generation: A Prayer Calendar

As youth across the nation make plans and decisions that will impact the trajectory of their lives and of our…


Unite for Revival: Remembering Our Roots

What is revival? Is it when 50,000 people gather in a stadium? Is it an emotional meeting? Defined simply, "revival"…


Faith & Liberty: What Our Founding Fathers Advocated for

In times like these, I find myself asking: Is America still the land of the free and the home of…


Be Brave in the War

There is a war raging on Truth. Our postmodern, post-Truth world is doing all it can to undermine the very…