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Why Did Jesus Have to Die?

Life of Jesus

March 22, 2021

By Dr. Michael Youssef · 3M Read

Did God have to send us a Savior? No, He did not—and yet, in His grace and mercy, He did.

If we’re honest with ourselves, the reason we ask such questions is that we do not comprehend the awfulness of sin. We think, "I’m not perfect—but I haven’t done anything that deserves death!" But consider, Adam and Eve didn’t commit any of the so-called "big sins." They simply chose their own way instead of God’s way. In their rebellion, our first parents shunned the holy, all-wise, all-loving Almighty God. And the result of that turning away was death, a curse passed down to us generation after generation.

Did God have to send us a Savior? No, He did not—and yet, in His grace and mercy, He did.


It’s tempting to say, "It’s not fair that we have all been cursed for the sin of Adam and Eve!" But this just demonstrates all the more our inclination to choose our own way over God’s. And when we choose our own way over God’s, we say that we know better than God—we reject Truth. That is no small sin. Sin—even a sin as seemingly small as eating a forbidden fruit—against an infinite God is likewise infinite. Even our "smallest" sins are ever present before Him. The God who lives in every moment, who has witnessed all things, sees every one of our iniquities—our rebellion, self-centeredness, pride, and more (see Psalm 90:7-8)—and they are deadly serious. In fact, "the wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23). But, praise God, "the gift is not like the trespass" (Romans 5:15).


While God is infinitely holy and just in His wrath toward sin, He is also infinitely loving and full of grace. He delights to save all who believe in the sacrifice of His Son—the one who died to forgive all our sins, past, present, and future. Jesus walked this earth in perfect communion with God the Father—in complete submission and humility to His will—on our behalf. And then He died in our place. The very fullness of God in the form of a man lived in perfect righteousness and paid our infinite debt (see Colossians 2:9; 1 Peter 2:21-24). Shockingly, today as many as 30 percent of professing evangelical Christians agree that Jesus was a great teacher, but He was not God. What utter hopelessness such a belief offers! For, without the blood of our spotless lamb, Jesus Christ, without His resurrection in power, we are dead in our sins (see 1 Corinthians 15:17). We need a Savior, and Scripture is clear that Jesus is the only true Redeemer (see John 14:6; Acts 4:12).


Did God have to send us a Savior? No, He did not—and yet, in His grace and mercy, He did. To save us from the eternal consequences of our sin, Jesus had to die. The punishment for our rebellion is just, and God’s wrath against sin must be satisfied. God is infinitely merciful, gracious, and loving, so it is in keeping with His character that He would both rightly punish sin and still provide a way for wretched sinners to receive new life. O, the depths of His love! Don’t you long for the presence of this good God? He has given all for you; come to Him today.

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