Just days from now, on November 3, 2023, Dr. Michael Youssef will stand before thousands in the heart of Egypt, the country of his birth, to proclaim the only way to salvation: Christ Jesus, God in the flesh.
As it echoes across a 10,000-seat outdoor venue in the heart of Cairo, Dr. Youssef’s passionate Gospel proclamation will be simultaneously broadcast LIVE on Leading The Way‘s KINGDOM SAT television channel, accessible to 260 million homes across the Muslim world, and video streamed LIVE on Leading The Way‘s digital platforms.
By the power of the Holy Spirit, Dr. Youssef’s words will not only bring life-changing encouragement, strength, and conviction but a long-term spiritual harvest that could impact the region for years to come.
But this groundbreaking Celebration is not a one-night event. By the power of the Holy Spirit, Dr. Youssef’s words will not only bring life-changing encouragement, strength, and conviction but a long-term spiritual harvest that could impact the region for years to come.
In the Middle East, where many pastors and speakers are known to come and go, Leading The Way has an established, decades-long presence. Since the launch of Dr. Youssef’s Arabic-English radio programs in 1996, followed by the launch of our KINGDOM SAT channel in 2009, the ministry has not only been proclaiming Gospel Truth in restricted regions but also evangelizing and discipling viewers one-on-one through the work of on-the-ground Field Teams.
With a desire to see long-term disciples of Jesus Christ—not just one-time decisions—the message Dr. Youssef proclaims at this Evangelistic Celebration (1) has been preceded by months of training and equipping the local church in Egypt and (2) will be followed by months of personalized, on-the-ground discipleship. Through your partnership, each seed planted at the Celebration will be carefully cultivated.
In His love, sovereignty, and grace, God has been moving in extraordinary ways in the Middle East for decades as a result of your prayers and generous partnership with Leading The Way. These testimonies are just a glimpse of the stories we are hearing daily from those who are watching our channel across the Muslim world:
"I grew up Muslim in a fanatic environment. After finding your channel, I called to learn more about the Christian religion . . . and accepted your invitation to give my life completely to [Jesus]." – Samir, Morocco
"I am a believer in Jesus Christ who left Islam after I became convinced that Christ is the Savior. Can you connect me to an underground church in my area? I want to grow in my faith." – Narjis, Morocco
"I thank the Lord, who allowed me to listen to the teaching on your channel. Your words came at a time when I was in a deep depression, bringing joy to my heart." – Abdo Nader, Egypt
"Thank you for your channel that proclaims the Word of God to the whole world." – Hassan, Saudi Arabia
How might God move in Egypt—and across the Middle East—on November 3 and beyond? As Dr. Youssef and the Leading The Way team make final preparations for this historic revival opportunity in Egypt, please pray for God to:
- Draw the lost to Christ, including those who have never heard the true Gospel.
- Minister through Dr. Youssef, ministry personnel, and local churches participating in the Celebration.
- Facilitate an effective broadcast as the Celebration is aired and streamed LIVE around the world.
- Bring long-term spiritual fruit as Field Teams and local churches follow up with those who come to faith at the Celebration.
- Grow and mature the church in the Middle East for years to come.
Thank you for your prayers for this Celebration and all the ones to come. If you would like to watch Dr. Youssef’s message on November 3, we will be streaming globally on Leading The Way‘s digital platforms.
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