Satan is working overtime trying to destroy the church from the inside out. The very foundational beliefs of the church are crumbling today, and the first casualty has been the Truth.
In 2 Timothy 4:3-4 we hear a painfully accurate description of our day: "The time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths."
Similarly, Jude’s epistle sounds an alarm, warning the church of the consequences of disregarding God’s Truth for more palatable messages and allowing lies to infiltrate the church. Jude knew that Christians had to be ready to do battle against unbiblical teaching in order to keep the church pure.
This warning is just as relevant today as mainline churches dilute Biblical Truth to make it more appealing, user-friendly, and comfortable. Sin is defined as a ‘lifestyle choice’ and those who cling to God’s Truth are labeled intolerant. However, only God’s Truth can offer eternal life and spiritual victory.
To be effective against false teaching, you must first know and believe the Truth. Take a moment to read the short letter of Jude.
"If we dilute the Truth in order to draw people into our churches, what do we really offer them?"
God is the author and source of all Truth. Some churches, however, are flying the banner of man-made theology and attracting hordes of people by blurring the lines of Truth. The message is intentionally kept ambiguous in order to avoid alienating anyone who might find Biblical teachings challenging or counter to their lifestyle. This new version of the church is adapting the Christian faith to culture instead of calling the culture to repentance and faith in the Lord Life of Jesus Christ.
Truth is objective, not subjective. It is absolute, not a sliding scale. The consequence of tolerating ‘small exceptions’ to Biblical Truth is eventual and complete departure from the Truth, which has eternal consequences.
The ultimate Truth that cannot be compromised is that Jesus is our eternal hope. There are not many paths to God; there is only one and that is through Life of Jesus Christ, God’s son, who died for us. Jesus Himself told us in John 14:6: "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." This Truth is unequivocal, unambiguous, and unavoidable.
Truth is something that God has entrusted to us (Jude 1:3). If we dilute the Truth in order to draw people into our churches, what do we really offer them? It is not our job to make the Truth more attractive or politically correct; it is our job to love people by remaining faithful to God and His Word. The Holy Spirit will do the rest.
Have you ever been made to feel intolerant or unloving because you held fast to God’s Word? If you contend for the faith by lovingly telling others the undiluted Truth they need, you may encounter criticism or rejection. What are you willing to endure in order to share Truth with others in your family, workplace, or neighborhood?
God is sufficient to give you wisdom in these areas if you only ask. Look to the Word of God as you approach each decision. Pray that God will strengthen you to contend for the faith in your home, work, and community. Ask for the ability to discern and defend Truth in a secular world. And pray for the boldness to communicate the Good News of His love.
The foundation we lay today will impact the generations to come. If we think there is safety in saying nothing, the next generation will pay the penalty of our silence. But if we speak the Truth lovingly and without compromise, the next generation will reap the benefits of our faithfulness.
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